Cloud Service

Public & Private Cloud Hosting

What is Public Cloud Hosting?

Public Cloud Hosting is a cloud computing model where we provide shared cloud services, infrastructures, and resources to multiple organizations through multi-tenancy.

What is Private Cloud Hosting?

Private Cloud is a cloud computing model where we provide only one tenant
to exclusive use of the cloud services as well as its corresponding
infrastructure to allow organizations to manage and personalize its services
and infrastructure based on their requirements on a private network.

Who needs Public Cloud Hosting?

Public Cloud Hosting is ideal for organizations that requires quick cloud transformation and scalability with the advantage of utilising cloud technology to manage their businesses without the responsibility of maintaining storage, servers, and networking infrastructure.

Who needs Private Cloud Hosting?

The private cloud computing model is commonly ideal for SME Organizations, Factory Industries, Branch Office Business Dealers, etc, that require better security, performance, and customizability to maintain sensitive data securely.

Benefits of Big Band Public Cloud Hosting

#Cost Saving

#Convenient Accessibility

#Scalable On-Demand

#Stable Reliability

Benefits of Big Band Private Cloud Hosting


#Secure & Private

#Enhanced Performance

#Regulatory Compliance

Difference Between Public & Private Cloud

The most significant difference between Public Cloud & Private Cloud Hosting is the range of access. In the Public Cloud, the cloud infrastructure and resources are shared between tenants, on the contrary, in the Private Cloud, the cloud infrastructure and resources are exclusively used and maintained by one tenant on a private network.

Why choose Big Band Public & Private Cloud Hosting?

Advanced Capabilities

✓ Agile DEV & TEST Work Environment
✓ High performance Cloud Computing Storage

Budget Friendly

✓ At Least 70% Reduce In TCO
✓ Save 90% power, cooling, & Space


✓ High Scalability
✓ Full Control

Easy Operation

✓ Unified Dashboard
✓ AI-Driven Insights
✓ Real-Time Flow

Seamless Integration

✓ Simple, Secure, Seamless

Worry-Free Migration

We Provide:


  • Native HA
  • Integrated Backup
  • CDP
  • Multi-copy data redundancy
  • Disaster Recovery Management
  • Optimized Reliability Architecture

High Performance

  • 1million IOPS (3nodes)
  • Data Striping
  • AI-Based DB Optimization
  • Smart Scheduling
  • SSD Caching & Tiering

Enhanced Security

  • Built-in Cloud Security Centre
  • Vulnerability Identification
  • Monitoring Tools
  • Correspond With Other Security Tools

Ease of Use

  • Unified Management
  • Transparency & Resource Visualization
  • Fully converged infrastructure

FAQ: Is Cloud Computing Suitable for Your Business?

Cloud computing offers cost savings, scalability, enhanced security and accessibility.

It lets businesses prioritize core tasks, outsourcing infrastructure management.

Yes, cloud computing is secure. Big Band employs robust security measures to protect your data.

Our disaster recovery solutions ensure business continuity even during unforeseen events.

Absolutely! Cloud computing levels the playing field for businesses of all sizes. Small businesses

can access enterprise-level resources without large upfront investments, to compete effectively.

Curious How Cloud Computing Can Transform Your Business?

Discover Our Cloud Services Solutions Now!